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Member Since 30 Mar 2019
Offline Last Active Oct 02 2021 06:25 PM

In Topic: Evo 3 and 1.8 Lancer same carpet?

31 December 2020 - 10:21 PM

I wonder how much to deliver to Ireland

Sent from my MRD-LX1N using Tapatalk

In Topic: Evo 3 and 1.8 Lancer same carpet?

22 December 2020 - 06:56 PM

This is the one you want, to suit CC Lancer, I bought one of these for my Evo.

Car Carpet | Mitsubishi LANCER CA, CB, CC & CE | 1989 - 2001

An how did it look compare to the original carpet

Sent from my MRD-LX1N using Tapatalk

In Topic: does any one have a working link to TRANSFER CASE OVERHAUL data

21 April 2020 - 02:43 AM

Ok no probs I could got you details as I work in Mitsubishi dealer ship

Oh while your there you would have that part I was looking for

Sent from my 5099Y using Tapatalk

In Topic: does any one have a working link to TRANSFER CASE OVERHAUL data

17 April 2020 - 01:15 AM

What model of transfer casing are you looking for?

Sent from my 5099Y using Tapatalk

In Topic: New to the forum - gearbox and diff builder

04 March 2020 - 01:52 PM

When the best place to get all the internal gears and bearings
Any able to help I'd appreciated it

Sent from my 5099Y using Tapatalk