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Member Since 20 Nov 2019
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2023 03:17 AM

In Topic: Bought a HSGR off the person who won it on grays

24 May 2023 - 01:17 PM

Forgot to add. It would always go into reverse very easily, just that it would jump out when loaded up from releasing clutch. Could sort of move in reverse by riding clutch. Don't bother wasting time with spring loaded indent balls. We already tried that. Cheers.

I will send you a pm and we can have a chat on Facebook or something else:)

In Topic: Bought a HSGR off the person who won it on grays

24 May 2023 - 12:40 PM

Forgot to add. It would always go into reverse very easily, just that it would jump out when loaded up from releasing clutch. Could sort of move in reverse by riding clutch. Don't bother wasting time with spring loaded indent balls. We already tried that. Cheers.

Oh wow! This is awesome to hear haha. This car will be making its way to canada :) but I’d like to get the reverse sorted Beforehand. The spring loaded balls was one idea I was told to check. The wave spring also if it’s missing altogether could be the cause . What else have you done/checked ?

In Topic: RVR HSGR Front lip group buy

19 March 2023 - 02:02 PM

Did his ever happen? Looking for one now

In Topic: Just picked up an evo 7 roller

05 February 2023 - 09:15 PM

If you get a lhd harness, just put it in upside down, instant rhd harness haha

Haha I actually do have the lhd harness but the plugs don’t match up ; it’s all backwards :( it won’t work and I don’t want to hack it up

Still on the hunt for interior left and right side floor harness