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Member Since 20 Nov 2019
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2023 03:17 AM

Bought a HSGR off the person who won it on grays

05 February 2023 - 09:22 PM


I bought this off the person who won it from auction and I plan on getting it shipped to canada. This rvr is sitting now in Perth at my friends house awaiting a new windscreen oven installed at the end of the month.
This rvr also has a problem going into reverse; it can be selected from the shifter inside but it grinds when letting the clutch pedal out . Does anyone have any ideas what to check? I need it to work before it gets shipped over obviously 😅

Some things I’ve been told :
-Check the spring loaded ball bearing for the reverse select
- check the reverse switch on the gearbox
- check if the shifter lines aren’t bent and that you can select or the reverse is actually being selected from the gearbox