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Member Since 04 Jan 2020
Offline Last Active Jan 04 2020 08:08 PM

In Topic: Gsr seats

04 January 2020 - 06:33 AM

Shows how’s much of a rookie I am.. I’m not to sure my self to be honest. How exactly can I tell?

In Topic: Gsr seats

04 January 2020 - 05:35 AM

The rails don’t come off the stock gsr seats, so you need the rails from an evo 1-6 or a proton gti. A jap spec gsr might have removable rails but I don’t know for sure

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Thanks for clarifying that. Another thing I got told was Evo 6 seats can bolt onto gsr rails with no modification? Is that false also?