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Member Since 01 May 2020
Offline Last Active May 19 2023 02:28 PM

In Topic: Rear Axle Rebuild GSR???

26 October 2020 - 10:51 PM

So quick update


Ended up doing the cv boots myself with new grease and they seem to be fine




Outers  Kelpro CIB-230

Inners Kelpro CIB-516

In Topic: Rear Axle Rebuild GSR???

25 June 2020 - 11:30 PM

Try CV Centre in Dandenong. Really helpful and knows his stuff.

I had a couple of shops try to source a CV boot for me but I only ended up with something that was "close enough". Unfortunately I broke the clip for the outer CV putting it back on, so I rang around and took the lot into CV Centre.

He took one look at the shaft and the replacement boot I had, went over to his parts bins and pulled out the perfect replacement. He sorted out the clip, offered to put it all back together for me and charged me stuff all for it.

3 / 49-51 Bennet Street Dandenong VIC 3175

Ph: 03 9791 8011

Email: [email protected]


The response back from Mark at CV center was as per below 



Unfortunately we can only service and reboot these driveshafts, I hope that’s all they need.

To do this service you will be looking at $132 inc gst.


Pretty cheap to service them however, may roll the dice and drop them into him when I get the chance and see what they come out like :) 

In Topic: Rear Axle Rebuild GSR???

24 June 2020 - 05:25 AM

A1 Driveshaft repairs has come back with $220+gst per Axle so a total of $440 +gst to rebuild the rear end 

In Topic: Rear Axle Rebuild GSR???

23 June 2020 - 10:44 PM

Quotes so far to rebuild (emailed every Driveshaft shop in Melbourne) 


MS driveshafts: Rear Driveshafts Reco Mitsubishi Lancer AWD Cost $500 x 2 LHS & RHS (not sure if that's $500 for the pair or each!) 


I may just bite the bullet and get a boot kit along with a front inner/outer CV replacement kit and see how they compare to the rears (worse case I have parts to rebuild the front cvs) will report back with more quotes once I get them 

In Topic: Rear Axle Rebuild GSR???

23 June 2020 - 09:28 AM

Take them to a driveshaft reconditioning place, should be around $100 to have them rebuilt.

800 per side? LOL!

That does not sound right to me, not even through Mitsubishi.


I might be looking up the wrong part number but this is what I found for new ones 




Thanks for the tip on a reconditioning place will contact some and see what they say, happy to rebuild them myself if I can get parts :s but if its $100 a side I can live with that