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Ross Cox
Ross Cox
Member Since 21 Nov 2006Offline Last Active Sep 28 2020 06:33 AM
VR4 Info
Rally Pics1989 VR4 Rally Car. Was a low kilometer import. |
Clutchin VR4 InfoA page on how to adjust the clutch pedal height and rest spot on a VR4. |
Manifold Endin Rally Pics
Blanking platein Rally Pics
Gasketin Rally Pics
Eci multiin Rally Pics
Rally Q 2014in Rally PicsNice jump end of Gibber? Credit RedHotShotz. Cheers Ross VR4, Jump, rally QLD |
Overhead rally shot, Aussie Bush Rally.in Rally PicsOn the way to 5th Outright, 2nd in Class. |
Aussie Bush Rallyin Rally PicsOn the way to 5th Outright, 2nd in Class. |
Camp Crystalin Rally PicsA weekend camp for kids with cancer. Lots of rides for kids/parents/carers. |