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Ross Cox

Ross Cox

Member Since 21 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 28 2020 06:33 AM

WTB. Cable for fuel filler flap.

20 May 2020 - 08:42 AM

G'day In search of the cable for fuel filler flap in an E39A 1989 Vr4.



Dash vents for sale

28 June 2019 - 11:17 PM

Hello. Right side dash vents for VR4, 2 of. One has been super glued in two corners, the other is not broken at all. Both work fine. $36.00 for the repaired one, $61.00 for the best one.
Cheers Ross.Attached File  20190622_115721.jpg   114.97KB   174 downloadsAttached File  20190622_115714.jpg   126.85KB   175 downloadsAttached File  20190622_115732.jpg   120.71KB   182 downloadsAttached File  20190622_115810.jpg   110.88KB   190 downloads