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Member Since 26 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 01 2007 03:02 AM

In Topic: Busted timing belt - remove head?

01 April 2007 - 02:58 AM

while I'm asking, I have busted aussie head at home with the aussie manifold. I'm reading conflicting reports about which inlet manifold is better for n/a. I have a jap motor fitted now with the CYCLONE manifold..

Is it worth me getting cams from MEEK or wherever that will run with the standard ECU?

I'm considering selling the car after this.. it's just too hard to get good work on it here due to car age, and workshops in ACT..

In Topic: Busted timing belt - remove head?

01 April 2007 - 02:44 AM

Sorry - just found http://4gtuner.com/f...opic.php?t=3949 :oops:


28 March 2007 - 09:28 AM

Hey man, do you kno my car?! hang on are you on my MSN!?

Did u have a GGSR and a Vr4?


10 March 2007 - 10:35 AM

If its a sweet and overpowering smell its usually oil burning through the exhaust.

If its more like a sulphur egg smell the catalyic converter is dead or half Fu*ked.

That was the smell, the rotten eggy scent sorta thing. I haven't smelt if for a couple of days, and I've never actually seen this smoke my mate was refering to (nah he wouldn't have joked about it either). This 2.5" cat was only fitted 2 years ago when I got the last bit of 2.5" pipe fitted from the 4-1's to the rest of the sys.

The weird thing the other day was that when I checkd the oil in the morning, it was low - and I had only dropped the old oil out 2 weeks ago, and filled 4 - 4.5 litres in it...

I gotta get a new overflow bottle, then I'll flush the radiator out too. It's not loosing water, but it's due a change.


06 March 2007 - 11:44 AM

cheers, will sus it out. I would rather see it myself, and get my mate to drive it. This weird arse smell from the car is got me..

Will let yez kno, team :D