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Member Since 26 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 01 2007 03:02 AM

Busted timing belt - remove head?

01 April 2007 - 02:43 AM

I've busted my timing belt.. happened while driving.. no eveil sounds, is it fk'd?

Similar issue happened on old motor 3 years ago. Bolt thru balancer loosened, and let cams slip - disaster: 9/16 valves smashed, 2 pistons became holy.

This time it just snapped like a rubber band. Do I have to take the head off to inspect? Gonna try to do compression test. Is it hard to take the head off and change gasket anyway?

Is it a prick to change the belt? just gotta line up timing marks (incl fkn balance shaft as some mech didn't years ago) fit around tensioner.. easyish to do with L/F wheel off? am I on the right track?


06 March 2007 - 09:24 AM

I've just got my 2.5" mandrel sys removed in favor of a 2.25" press bent system, and the car is running 10x better, it's got so much more torque now, I'm in love with it all over..


After indoor cricket training today a mate following me said a bit of white smoke was emiting, and some vapour was comming out intermittenly and onto his windscreen.

There is also a weird smell from my car's exhaust..
White smoke = water

1/ Is my head gasket gone?

2/ what's the cost roughly?

I would like to tackle this myself, but don't have a torque wrench.. other than that, it's just bolts, and the need to zip-tie the cam belt to the cam wheels so it doesn't skip a tooth, right?

I feel sad now, it was going so well!! :roll:

Finally back on the road

31 January 2007 - 10:13 AM

I've got the Gal back on it's feet, it passed RWC with flying colours, and it was good to deal with a better workshop for the final repairs. 1 fk'd up workshop in belconnen did a bit, but it dragged on and on, since last year, and I even supplied ALL parts. Fkn hopeless. Fella and bridgestone did the other front shock, as I did the rear ones, and the first l00sers did only 1 front..

Aaaaanyway, it is awesome to have 4 new shocks in it. It's never handled like this before. I now need bushes for the shifter they're cheap as from mitsi, and I reallly need to make this exhaust quieter. The full system I have from the engine back is not suited to the street.

I got a 2.5" flange fitted 6" just before rear muff, so it's very easy to try other mufflers while on the hoist.. The other thought was to just be done with it, and get 2.25" from the resonator back. It's just too loud at the momment after I removed some tricks in it to make it quieter.

All in all, I'm proud to be back amoung us 6th Gen drivers :D

5spd Shifter bushes + shifter boot.

28 January 2007 - 09:11 AM

I would love a shortened shifter with the raised pivot point, but for the immediate future I need bushes from Mitsubishi. I've replaced some before, and they were only $2.04 each or something minor, but these where the upper ones.

Has anyone replaced these with brass ones? I'm leaning towards nylon standard again, but just seeing what other's have done..

Also, has anyone replaced the rubber boot with something more interesting? Is there something out there with the square base that slots in for ours? or a cover that could fit the standard boot?

HG / HH Seatbelts

27 January 2007 - 01:07 AM

I need a new driver's belt, mine's a little frayed, and might fail my RWC. I trimmed it, and used a lighter on the edges to neaten it up..

Anyone had to replace this?
What's a fair price?

Been quoted rediculous figures from the wrecker, and autobarn.

I just need the main belt - can I replace this without having to get the whole retractor mechanism too?

I got these part #'s from autobahn, can u check a price for us please OGVR4: :D


Think one is the female connector, and the other is the actual belt + retractor.