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Member Since 02 Apr 2005
Offline Last Active Nov 06 2022 07:45 PM

Forced Perfomance 68HTA - Evo 1/2/3 or VR4 Turbo Upgrade

16 March 2018 - 02:50 AM

Forced Perfomance 68HTA - Evo 1/2/3 or VR4 Turbo Upgrade 


Price AUD$830 + Shipping + Paypal Fees

Brand new & unused turbo. Has been upgraded with thermally coated exhaust housing and aftermarket Forge internal wastegate actuator (worth USD$190). 

Direct boltup to a E39A Galant VR4 or Evo 1 2 or 3 

Compressor wheel - 68HTA 
Flow rating - 51LB per minute 
CW Measurements - 51.2MM Inducer / 68MM Exducer 
TW Measurements - 60.8MM Inducer / 54MM Exducer 
Compressor Housing - 16G TD05H 
Turbine Housing - FP 8CM 
CHRA - FP Journal Bearing 

The FP 68HTA™ Turbocharger for DSM Flanged Vehicle out flows both the E316g and 18g wheels and allows for higher PR operation without increased compressor outlet temperatures like the existing 16g and 18g wheels. Mass flow is increased to a whopping 51lb/min which is several lb/min greater than either the E316g or the 18g wheels are capable. To maximize it's power potential this turbo comes standard with a 8CM turbine housing. 

Consider the savings of importing one of these turbos from the USA: 
Turbo price: USD$799.00 
Wastegate price: USD$190.00 
Freight/GST/Duty: NZD$368.00 
Thermal coating: NZD$100.00 

Total: NZD$1,833.00