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Member Since 08 Jun 2005
Offline Last Active Jan 29 2018 09:40 AM

#330291 THE GSR - 423KW!!!!!

Posted by OFFON-4 on 29 May 2016 - 11:39 PM

New turbo comp cover

new studs

electric prime  - doing it manually is a fucking pain

new slicks

fix shifting issues

new fuel tank

new Haltech Racpak dash

#330249 THE GSR - 423KW!!!!!

Posted by OFFON-4 on 28 May 2016 - 05:17 AM

Think its time to bring this bitch back out!


Posted by OFFON-4 on 04 May 2016 - 07:20 AM

Relax leadfoot ive been around long enough not to be offended by the peeps on he forum or any low ballers.


I thought I would see if there would be any interest not sure about price rather discuss that with anyone that was really interested!

  • ted likes this


Posted by OFFON-4 on 03 May 2016 - 11:41 PM

Auto looks like a better option for me at this stage


PM me and we can disuss price


Leadfoot ive listed a price to keep within the rules

#313957 dougmos evo2 project

Posted by OFFON-4 on 17 February 2015 - 03:48 AM

George and only George knows what's best and im sure he has run through every scenario to try keep the car!


I've even thought about selling my car so I can feel how hard this must be for George, not easy giving away something you have invested so much . I will tell you one thing that it take a shit load more than money to build cars to this calibre.


Do what is right George, end of the day there are more important things than cars!


Here if you need anything George, best of luck we can always build another car!

  • ted likes this

#300530 Evo 3 PPG Dogbox + Custom Hydraulic Thow-out Clutch

Posted by OFFON-4 on 20 May 2014 - 11:43 PM

this does my head in ahhhhhhhhhhh

#290406 THE GSR - 423KW!!!!!

Posted by OFFON-4 on 12 December 2013 - 12:15 AM

Thanks boyz car is awesome to drive and after 10 years first pass was pretty aweosme and a little emotional


Just need a box so i can really see what its capable of!

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#290211 THE GSR - 423KW!!!!!

Posted by OFFON-4 on 09 December 2013 - 05:16 AM

After 10 years i finally turned a wheel in anger.


Went to Calder friday night to test the car....Managed 11.1 @ 134mph pass with a shocker of 60fter (1.89).


Pretty happy with MPH given that the car only started to get going close to half track, and felt real easy to drive.


It was a last minute decsion but hopefully with be back out early in the new year.


Thanks to you all for your continuious support over the years its been a pleasure sharing the build with the you all :)



#268986 THE GSR - 423KW!!!!!

Posted by OFFON-4 on 30 December 2012 - 10:23 PM

lol hi guys

I will be the first to admitt that i have been slack, other priorities have since chewed up spare cash i had resevred for the car but i have my house close to sorted for the time being so i will be able to button up the car and take it for a blast.

Rust on the disc is pretty thick lol but i will dust it off just hard to find time last couple of months.

I will be taking it to centreline sometime mid jan then i will service the car and but some fuel, tyres and rims are already sorted finaly so it more just suspension and fresh oil etc

I know this has been said time after time however i have moved out of home and was settling into the new place therefore i put the car on the back burner and thought might be time to grow up a bit - ( im all grown up now) but i really want to race it a few times befopre i decide its fate

George, Baz i have a few coldies in the fridge waiting for you guy to come around for a bevo and a catch up that goes for you too dre and dan and dwayne maybe i need some extra motivation

:) stay tuned i havent spent 10 years building the car not to one day evently enjoy it


#260839 Mufflers and their positions

Posted by OFFON-4 on 17 August 2012 - 03:29 AM

out the side of the front bar :P

#260717 THE GSR - 423KW!!!!!

Posted by OFFON-4 on 15 August 2012 - 12:07 AM


Rims came in 2 days ago, im moving house plus i had an accident (only minor) but in the process of getting sorted with insurance
Fucking great month, hopefully picking up rims on saturday .

PS: 1.8 ltrs do it better hahahaha
  • ted likes this

#249708 THE GSR - 423KW!!!!!

Posted by OFFON-4 on 01 February 2012 - 10:52 PM

Best i got!

Trying to piece it back together for some racing

Attached Thumbnails

  • photo12.JPG
  • photo13.JPG

#234004 New Admin

Posted by OFFON-4 on 12 June 2011 - 01:15 AM

EXCELLENT! Welcome Pawel

#220277 4GTUNER STORE?

Posted by OFFON-4 on 31 December 2010 - 03:56 AM

tshirt with the sponsors on the side of the arm and the mistubishu logo on the bottom FTW i will take 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 black and 2 white

#219847 THE GSR - 423KW!!!!!

Posted by OFFON-4 on 23 December 2010 - 10:05 PM

Thankls Bron and he is a she and her name is Jess :D
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