Also, I want to advocate for the shop I took it to. It's a two man operation, normally they work on Jaguars and Porsches, talked to the guy who did the work about the DMV and his Ducati when I picked it up, but they were very happy to take on my alternator change before that. No overnight lot fee and about 5 hours worked for $240. They even re-fitted a plug that didn't fit right on my replacement alternator and plugged up and gave me the old one back, without me asking. Believe me when I say, this is a very charming van. It got me, it got my friends, it got my dad, and now it's got a high performance shop. As silly as it sounds, we're all droolin over a super clean Mitsubishi van here in the middle of the US.
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Member Since 29 Jun 2022Offline Last Active Jul 25 2022 01:40 AM