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Member Since 12 Jun 2005
Offline Last Active Jul 05 2006 08:00 AM

WTB: Original Gear knob from Evo 6.

24 April 2006 - 04:23 PM

Hi guys,

As above. Leave me a msg if you have one in resonably good condition or the likes.



WTD: GSR CC/CE or CK Lancer Rear Brake setup

18 October 2005 - 05:00 PM

Hi guys,

If anyone has come across any of the above do let me know.

Or rears from the Proton GTI would be fine too.


WTB: Wrecked original Evo 4 or 5 or 6 bonnet.

16 August 2005 - 09:16 AM

Hi guys,

let me know if you hear of anyone who has one. It must be intact in the sense with grilles, underbonnet frames, louvers and garnish.

So far no one has one..

Ciaoz all,


WTB: Cooling Panel/ Slam Panel??

16 August 2005 - 08:56 AM

Posted Image

Hi guys,

anyone know if any place here in Melbourne can make that for the CE Lancer models/ evos 5 or 6...

Dont know what its called here, but in the UK they like to call it a cooling panel or slam panel.

Thought it'd look nice for MAS :P

Let me know if you guys know anything.



Rebuild 4G93...which workshop?

12 August 2005 - 05:31 AM

Hi guys,

A mate of my needs to rebuild/ strengthen his engine, or probably just get a new one and rebuild that. He's here in Melb, so that we dont need to worry about.

Any idea which of our sponsors will be better suited to do that? I dont like running sponsors against each other, but thought id just get some general opinions? And undoubtably costs will be a factor.

I know there was a post earlier on them, but thought id try to get more opinions specific to this situation...

I wont ask for other recommendations, cause I'm sure our sponsors were picked for a reason.

But if anyone else has other points to bring up, do let me know.

Thanks for your time.
