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Evo-gsr. I haven't called your mate yet, i was messing around with tbe stock manifold and I might be able to make it work. Waiting on a turbo to double check.
15g? RVR autos run a TD04-13g as far as I know, maybe I'm wrong. Are the manual SSGs a 15g? Do they come in a manual? I'm too couch locked on bourbon to be arsed to work it out right now............either way I have a TD04-13g available if you need one. I will check condition tomorrow if you need me to.
It took a lot of single eye spell checking to get this post right , so I thik id eserve some pointd for effort................<-----------I lost concern for that itb
Points given for effort
I thought they were all 15g but that might just be a SSG thing, any chance of posting the numbers and I can verify?
L19 Studs have been ordered hopefully this sorts it out.
Ross - I don't have Power Steering or a top engine mount to clear (RWD setup) but I will still have to install the studs once the head is on the block thanks to the CAS needing to go under a lip on the firewall.