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Member Since 09 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 30 2007 02:15 AM

FS: Lancer Evo 2 RS TD05H-16G turbo

16 July 2007 - 01:57 AM

FOR SALE TD05H-16G Turbo

Genuine Lancer Evo 2 RS Turbo, excellent condition. Selling complete with exhaust manifold (no cracks) and dump-pipe.


Asking $700 ono

Evo Jumbuck

09 January 2007 - 03:36 AM

Wasnt sure where to stick this post, check out our latest 4G63 project:


2005 Proton Jumbuck
Lancer Evo 2.0L DOHC 4G63 Engine & Transmission
4WD Drive-train
GTPumps TD06-20G Turbo
Zage GT38 External Waste-gate
X-Force Stainless Exhaust Manifold
Custom Front Mount Intercooler & piping
Evo Oil Cooler
Evo 2-Piston Front Calipers & Rotors
Rear Disc brakes
Standard panels retained to keep 'sleeper' look
Haltech ECU (future mod)

Project is still in progress however we're expecting to have the buck' running by end of the month. Will keep everyone posted.


WTB: evo/gsr g/b casing

09 January 2007 - 03:15 AM

Chasing the outer gearbox casing/bell housing for Lancer Evo 1-3 & GSR, or a broken gearbox with good outer casing. Email me hisham @ tenagah.com.au.

SWAP Evo 1-3 Bumper

09 January 2007 - 03:02 AM

Anyone wanting to swap their genuine Lancer evo 1 or 2 front bumper with genuine evo 3 bumper, must be in good condition. please email me hisham @ tenagah.com.au

Tenagah Motorsports