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Member Since 14 Jun 2005
Offline Last Active Jul 08 2009 08:40 AM

[VIC] 28-29th April 2007 Cruise 4 Charity

16 April 2007 - 02:15 AM

Posted Image

Hi Everyone,

We are looking for a greater support for the Show N Shine. If anyone is free for the 29th April 2007 we urging people to come down (Shepparton) and support us. It is a long drive to Shepparton but we hope you still decide to come down. We are expecting a wide range of cars attending.

It is only $10 to enter and $20 to enter and also be considered for a trophy.

There are also spots free for DECA (28th April)

Registration Form (Show N Shine)

Registration Form (DECA)

If you can't make it but would like to still support us there is also a donate button on our website. http://www.cruise4charity.com

We appreciate your support and the following year we hope to raise a 5 figure amount for Charity

Kind Regards

Brandon Chan
[email protected]
0438 0222 88

Looking to Buy an Evo 8 MR

21 February 2007 - 08:45 AM

Hi everyone,

I am in the market for an Evo 8 MR. If anyone has one for sale please email me. Has to be accident free and low fairly low kms

[email protected]


New Evo X Concept

04 September 2006 - 11:31 PM

I dont think anyone has posted this yet.


I like it! I wonder how different it will be from the concept when finally released.

[VIC] 29th Oct 2006 GTCC Dyno Day

28 August 2006 - 07:46 AM

Hi Ladies/Gents

A few Dyno Days going on I see. I would like to say "support your club" go to the Team 4G Dyno Day but if are unable to make it for theirs then here is another one to consider.

We are holding a Dyno Day at Kamikaze Motors (Nunawading).

Date: Sunday 29th October, 2006
Time: Starts at 8:30am till finish

You will get 3 runs with printouts of the highest run. If you are not sure what a Dyno Run is this site has a good explanation http://www.extrememo...ts.com/dyno.htm

BBQ / Drinks
- Free for participants.
- small charge for spectators.

There will be 3 categories (RWD, FWD and 4WD)
Highest Kws per category will receive the following prize from Kamikaze Motors:

10,000km Service
1hr Dyno Tune
Momo Gear Knob
Full Car Detail

Please do not feel intimidated if your car does not have high KWs. It does not matter! The Prizes are offered just as a bonus.

RWD, FWD and 4WD all welcome.

Maximum of 40 cars so be quick as it is starting to fill now.

Option 1: $45/car ($5 goes towards the club as part of running costs)
Option 2: $75/car ($5 goes towards the club as part of running costs) to join

Kamikaze Car Club Membership which then the Dyno day is free.
Other benefits of being a Member
50% off Servicing, Dyno Runs and Dyno Tunes
30% off labour
5% off parts

For Flyer view this (http://www.gtcarclub...ikaze_Flyer.jpg)

To secure your spot please make full payment ($45 or $75 AUD) to
BJ and RP Chan
BSB 733337
A/C 667837

Please email me after you have made payment. ([email protected])

Kamikaze have just purchased a 4wd Dyno ready for use. They also have an excellent facility so please come down to watch even if you dont intend to Dyno your car.

If you have any questions you can email or call me.

Some pictures from the last one at STI Docklands
http://gtcarclub.com...les/1553_wm.JPG (DIESTI)

The highest on that day was a White R33 GTR which got 320 kws @ all four wheels. Quite Impressive. The look on STI's employees faces when they saw Drews "DIESTI" was quite amusing. :)


email: [email protected]
mobile: 0438 0222 88