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Member Since 12 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Jan 20 2012 08:28 AM

WTB: GSR Parts

02 December 2010 - 06:45 AM

Asking if anyone has a GSR tailshaft that is in good condition.

Also after a white rear bumper bar and a white front bumper bar, preferably in good condition.

PM Me or SMS me on 0418791915.

Cheers, Leon.

GSR spits out unburnt fuel when starting.

26 June 2010 - 04:08 AM

Whenever I start the GSR after not using it for awhile (say 3 or 4 days) it always spits out black soot from the exhaust. Assume it's unburnt fuel - any ideas what would be causing that?

FS: Complete set of stock rims + spare tyre

18 June 2010 - 07:13 AM

I have for sale 5 original CC GSR rims, 3 of which have tyres which are in good condition and 2 of which have tyres that are in need of replacement. One of the rims has a small chip in it (I was using that rim as a spare and it's still fine to use anyway).

Asking $150 for the entire set of 5 rims.

Contact Leon on Mobile 0418791915 if interested (I don't log in here too often so pls contact me on mobile).

GSR Dashboard Lighting

19 January 2010 - 10:49 AM

Hello all, haven't been on here in awhile (had a child in the meantime, so I have been rather busy!!!!).

Last week, the Dashboard lighting (speedo/tacho/fuel gauge) decided to call it quits. Have been driving at night with no speedo :).

Anyone got an idea if this is easy to fix, or how much it will cost. If it costs too much, Ill just put up with no speedo at nighttime!!!