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Member Since 16 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Jun 14 2021 10:33 PM

In Topic: 2015 Year of the shit box AWD Mirage

23 May 2021 - 11:42 AM

Wow long time in between drinks. I'm really not too good at keeping things up to date (including pic links damn facebook) lol. After my tuning visit to TME in Sydney it was making 232kW atws, and was healthy enough.

But more is well... more lol. I wanted a bit more safety over the stock ecu, so I added an ecu, a new cat back exhaust, Bosch 1250cc injectors, Walbro 460, plazmaman piping kit, upgraded the stock fmic inlet/outlet to 2.75", and a turbo from GTPumps (TD06-20G I think).

Either way the mirage is slightly more spritely now, making 242kW @ 20psi on 98, and 300kW@ 23psi on E85. 
