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Member Since 16 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Jun 14 2021 10:33 PM

#342472 Walbro 525 fuel pump fitment - old Walbro 460 issue.

Posted by Lister on 24 February 2019 - 08:16 AM

Been a lot of faulty 460's Rob, some leaking from new, etc etc. A mate fitted the 525 to his TME so pretty similar hanger size etc. I think he trimmed 5mm off the barb to help with clearance.

#341880 2015 Year of the shit box AWD Mirage

Posted by Lister on 09 September 2018 - 07:20 AM

So I threw this on the dyno for shits and giggles. I was both amused and surprised by the power figure. It's definitely a healthy engine, but it has exposed the congested exhaust system I knew it had.


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#341812 2015 Year of the shit box AWD Mirage

Posted by Lister on 25 August 2018 - 06:27 AM

Been meaning to update this recently, but yeah reasons lol. Moved to Tassie 12 months ago and it's been one hell of a ride. Also upgraded to Cusco coilovers from an E3 with the front strut tops changed and some E5 rims. Shits good.



#340772 762GTP on a 2.3

Posted by Lister on 22 March 2018 - 12:30 PM

I agree with Enginr, the variables between dynos, operators, and between cars makes a huge difference to power figures (we all know this). It would be unfair to try and make comparisons across that variety, plus when people often do the fake claims seem to always come out despite the awesome graphs.

Friends and I have dealt with Mark many times, I like the fact he's a no pressure guy that doesn't try to oversell any product. Yes his site isn't the best, but he's a genuine guy to deal with.

#324778 2015 Year of the shit box AWD Mirage

Posted by Lister on 22 November 2015 - 08:51 AM

Fitted the parts, and it's now bang on. I'm very happy with the balance the car now has. 

#324645 My attempt at a sleeper.

Posted by Lister on 17 November 2015 - 09:51 AM

I endorse this product.

#313198 2015 Year of the shit box AWD Mirage

Posted by Lister on 02 February 2015 - 10:49 AM

I don't know about neat and tidy, but it's getting there. Lol evopwr, I always try to avoid Mikey for that very reason lol. It's coming along, over all for 4.5 months it's not a bad hack job. 


Also it is an RVF400 in the background, it's been a great commuter.

#313177 2015 Year of the shit box AWD Mirage

Posted by Lister on 02 February 2015 - 01:19 AM

So the start of last year I had an itch... The sort of itch that can't be sorted out with a topical cream, anti-fungal powders, or antibiotics... 
 It was the itch that can only be treated by a 4g. The feelers were sent out, and a E4 front cut sourced. All be it in pieces, it was in great condition. Over the next few months I kept my eyes peeled for bargains, a gsr rear end here, an E8 rs rear there. 
 I traveled to Europe for 6 weeks hoping to think nothing more of it...
However the itch was all encompassing, many questions were asked in relation to my irritable nature, my uneasiness. I was offered many potential treatments, drinking to excess, eating to excess, and many pieces of space cake in Amsterdam. Nothing solved it.
 I arrived home to a lower than usual bank balance, and many emails for cheap and cheerful donors. After looking at the ridiculously over priced local offerings, I flew to Adelaide and bought a 300,000km Vrx Mirage sight unseen. "What could possibly go wrong" I packed a basic tool kit, grabbed a stick of knead it, a pile of water and drove it back. It was an uneventful drive, all be it incredibly loud.
 So once the rego was transferred to the ACT, it was time to get busy. It was thrown onto stands and the surgery began. 
As per pics its running Brembo's all round, Evo Recaros, climate control, stock engine and driveline etc etc.
 So theres a bit left to do, basically roll the rear guards, finish up all the welding, trim up the front bar a little better, fit the interior and engineering.

#311816 WTB complete Evo/gsr fuel tank

Posted by Lister on 03 January 2015 - 02:42 PM

I've got a gsr tank located in Canberra.

  • ted likes this

#308289 Myths vs facts on cold starting, running and looking after your forged engine

Posted by Lister on 03 October 2014 - 03:03 AM

When I daily drove mine, it was a case of drive it easy to full temp. This not only gives the engine a chance to warm up before copping a pounding, but also the drive train.

#272661 4G61 Swaps 4G63...

Posted by Lister on 07 March 2013 - 01:44 PM

Remove 61. Replace with 63. Skids... pretty simple.

#271062 Who has after market FPR ?

Posted by Lister on 08 February 2013 - 12:48 AM

Same as Caged, was making 240kw's atw's daily. Std ftw, why fuck with something that's not broken? The KISS principal is often the best.

#269991 Various Parts For Sale

Posted by Lister on 20 January 2013 - 06:10 AM

Pm's sent

#245611 stroker question

Posted by Lister on 19 November 2011 - 03:17 AM

I currently run HKS 272's has no issues with revving, easy to drive on the street.

#227648 Brembo Conversion on CD9A

Posted by Lister on 28 March 2011 - 04:36 AM

Dougmo, and Enginr, have done brembos all round. Which has the provision for a handbrake. I believe Meek have been working on a kit too. However after the Meek tax could be exxy.