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Member Since 27 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Feb 09 2008 06:37 AM

In Topic: I need muff ler

06 July 2007 - 06:51 AM

Just thought I would make a late comment here. This my ebay bargin, $20 and I think it sounds awsome. I have a complete custom 2.25 exhaust and it all works well together. check it out.

In Topic: Oil catch can??

28 May 2007 - 02:20 PM

OK I have done some searchs online. Best I can come up with is it goes between your PCV valve. Instead of pulling oil residue from our rocker cover it will allow the oil to drop out while still allowing positive crankcase ventilation.

If I am correct, then it should be easy enough to bodge something up.

In Topic: Tacho problems.

27 May 2007 - 07:19 PM

OK. Yesterday I installed a factory dash/cluster to my Hyundai Lantra. My car didn't have this, so I wanted it to work so I could have a tacho dash. Befor installation, I took out the tacho to check for loose wires and such.

Everything looked good except for a little corrosion on some of the printed circettry. Reinstall tacho screws tight and back into my car. Hopfully this rules out loose screws, could still be a loose wire on that tacho module thingy???

As for the signel being faulty, my Apexi SAFC rev counter still works so I think I can asume that the signel is fine. At least to my retarded way of thinking anyway.
It is probably that tacho module thingy, I think maby I have bought a dud. Thanks for the replys guys.

In Topic: FS: VR4/GSR parts fmic etc

25 May 2007 - 07:35 PM

the td04 turbo mate. I am unsure if that will fit my manifold. Will it be just the turbo or will it come with dump and oil/water lines?
Thanks from Aaron.

In Topic: FS: VR4/GSR parts fmic etc

25 May 2007 - 10:51 AM

G'day. I am very interested in this turbo. Are you willing to post to Caboolture QLD, 4510? If so how much? Also can you tell me if it fits this manifold?