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Member Since 27 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Feb 09 2008 06:37 AM

Oil catch can??

28 May 2007 - 07:58 AM

Sorry for such a noob question, but... what does an oil catch can do, should I install 1 and does it help with anything on an N/A??

Tacho problems.

27 May 2007 - 10:14 AM

Just a quick question.
What would make a tacho not work on idel, then out of the blue, while under ecceleration, jump to life for a second or 2, then of again? Drive for a bit, then on for 2 seconds and then of, then nothing at all?

Minets go buy and same thing happens. Please help

Single Lash adjuster? WTB

05 May 2007 - 07:30 AM

I am in need of some lash adjusters for my engine? Maby 2 would be great, does anybody, preferably in Brisbane area have some they want to part with as singles?

Moderate cams for 4g63/7 DOHC WTB!

19 April 2007 - 10:40 AM

Befor I through myself completly into the shark water with this turbo setup I am trying to make. I would like to try a set of cams in this thing.
What would people recomend for not to wild but defanatly on the edge cams.
Were from,(does any body have some they want to get some cash from?) how much and what would be best for the motor I am running

(4g67 DOHC 1.8lt, big extractors,4-2-1 into 2.25 custom system with cold air induction, and the Apexi SAFC)

Looks like this, cheers.

Noob rocker cover question?

11 April 2007 - 10:41 AM

Man, I want to check my valve clearence, I have tried to take the rocker cover of just to have a look around in there, (I used to do it to me sigma all the time) and check stuff out. I removed all bolts and lifted it up but it got stuck or caught on something near the cams??

I am sure there is something simple to it, please point me in the right direction.