G'day folks. Sloth (Mike) here. Some of you may remember me from ClubVR4 or Team4G.
I've been a: Crook; and b: Busy as a one arm wallpaper hanger over the last couple of years, which is why I have "been quiet."
Have had to get new house built in Melbourne (got a good man-cave now!); had to fight Hepatitis B & C as well as lung cancer:thumbsdown:, while looking after my dying father & mother-in-law!! Then the fires took out my escape house in Marysville......:thumbsdown:
not much done with the beast (black A-spec VR-4, with lots of mods) for a while, but am able to get going on finishing it now.
I am now driving a Legnum VR4 (I know, not a 4G), and it too is gonna be LIGHTLY modded....
Sorry for not answering PMs - I hope the above explains why...
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Member Since 02 Apr 2005Offline Last Active Jun 30 2010 12:22 AM