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gizza power

gizza power

Member Since 13 Feb 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 20 2021 09:56 AM

Spring resetting did it last?

02 August 2017 - 10:39 AM

Hi my car is too low .There are no stock height springs made for the front of our cars. I might get my front low kings reset 40mm higher, called a couple places in Brisbane but they had conflicting stories.. one place said it would be all good the other said can be done but would sag back pretty quickly . has anyone had any experience did it last ?

WTB standard cc gsr/evo123 springs front and rear

01 August 2017 - 09:11 AM

Does anyone have any front and rear cc gsr lancer/evo 123/ proton gti / m21 standard height springs they could sell ,my car is too low and I'm getting old , was fun back in the day... but need to get it back to legal height. I'm located in Brisbane cheers