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Member Since 15 Mar 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 01 2021 05:19 AM

In Topic: Weird Handling Issue

03 August 2014 - 10:44 AM

Guys, wheelnuts was the first ting I checked. Tyres are near new potenzas, The wheel alighnment guy mentioned something had been loose in the rear end and caused massive tyre scrub on previous tyres.

My baby needs plenty love clutch ,synchros and oil leaks oh and a very rusty roof so once I get two other reliable cars ready I'll restore this one

In Topic: Help Aldi Sim Card Needed

01 September 2013 - 03:56 AM

Hey guys, thanks for the suggestions. The Kogan deal was obviously too good to be true. The Aldi deal is now the best deal out there.I've got a sore head trying to decifer all the bloody fine print etc.
Evo-gsr if you could get one for me it would be very much apreciated . As for payment either direct deposit or pay pal or what ever suits you. I guess just pm me your answer.
