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Member Since 07 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2008 06:18 AM

In Topic: Need Parts Picked Up or Droped Off

13 April 2008 - 08:13 AM

A quick quote for future references.

I live in sydney, if i win a engine from ebay and its at Melbourne, how much will you charge to bring it to sydney.


In Topic: Car for Sale

11 April 2008 - 07:48 AM

Looks like a fake picture in some ways.

In Topic: FS: TD05 20g turbo (2nd hand)

10 April 2008 - 12:15 PM

Never knew td05h turbos could ever fit a 20G wheel, weird. From what i saw there is no such thing as a True 20G turbo that uses a td05h front housing.

From what i gather, TD06's can only fit 20g's.

In Topic: When you see the letters CVM, what does it mean to you?

10 April 2008 - 12:12 PM

Its pretty useless if you ask me, its like having TSO as a plate, doesn't mean anything.

Unlike if you had COP or BIG as plates

In Topic: WOW

06 April 2008 - 07:28 AM

It still has 4 doors, nothing special about it. Oh so what if its got a hatch rear lid.