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Member Since 30 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 28 2012 07:25 AM

In Topic: PARTING OUT GALANT VR4 - driveline, suspension

23 May 2011 - 04:13 AM

Pics of the wheels?

hey yeah pm me your email and ill send pics to ya

cheers amandio

In Topic: PARTING OUT GALANT VR4 - driveline, suspension

01 May 2011 - 01:45 AM

i'm keen on the bumper how much do u want for it

Hi Shaun,

All prices are in first post ;) pm me if you're interested.

Also for all interested gearbox numbers are: W5m332wqnk, close ratio rs box OPEN front and rear diffs.

In Topic: PARTING OUT GALANT VR4 - driveline, suspension

30 April 2011 - 08:48 AM

hey will the jap spec bumper fit on a aus spec vr4 1992 model

YEP Straight fit also lightens the front bar by 40 kg its heavy as the oz spec