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Velocity Racing

Velocity Racing

Member Since 03 Apr 2005
Offline Last Active Aug 01 2016 10:13 AM

Shed cleanout! - injectors 510cc & 720cc

27 July 2014 - 09:35 AM

Hi all,

Long time no see! Anyway doing a bit of a shed cleanout on the weekend and found some old Evo III bits... To start with..

1. 1 Set of Denso 720cc injectors -SOLD

2.Evo 3 510cc (yellow top) injectors SOLD


WTB: Evo 2/3 Front Sway Bar

30 October 2013 - 03:01 AM

Hi All,


I'm just after an Evo 2/3 front sway bar. Happy to pay postage.




SA Charity event - Rally Rides for a Reason - hot laps raising money for SA Charties

08 October 2013 - 12:12 AM

Hi All,

This year we've got together with a good friend and fellow competitor to arrange a rides day to raise money for two great SA charities. So if you have ever been keen to sample an Evo (or STi) rally car on gravel now is your chance.

What: Rally rides for a reason - Hot laps in 4WD turbocharged rally cars
When: Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th October 2013
Where: 'Lanac Park' Munetta Road, Mount Compass, SA (1 hour South of Adelaide)
How Much: Tickets are $30 for a hot lap ride in one of the 4 cars we will have on the day - I'll do my best to make sure its in one of the Evo's!

Every ticket you buy also enters you into a draw to win a Rallyschool.com.au 1/2 drive package valued at $595

100% of the money raised from the rides will going to charity, we are jointly supporting the Royal Society for the Blind SA, as well as Cystic Fibrosis SA. The rides will be conducted by 4 SARC front runners, including the 2013 SA champion. Rides will be conducted on gravel.
We are going to have 3 Evo's (Evo 3 RS, 5RS and 7RS) and an STi on the day all driven by current SARC / ARC drivers, we will also be holding a raffle to win a half day rallyschool.com.au voucher, along with other prizes.

It should be a great day, and if you have never done anything like this before I promise it will surprise you!
Reply here or PM me for more info, or you can just head direct to the website to buy tickets, www.cupcakecrumbz.com.au.

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