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I never ran the 1/4 with the hx40 billet wheel,i only run the 1/4 with hx35 last time with a blocked cat,also try to find a set stock Evo 2-3 wheels ATM
Up for sale 7 blade hx35 with .55 BEP rear housing bolt on to stock vr4 or Evo1-3 manifold, turbo set up for external gate off o2 housing...quick spooling turbo have run 11.8 with it..turbo like new spin nicely no in and out shaft play..will put up some pic soon..$800 plus post for turbo and .55 BEP rear housing only can be pick up in springvale south...
milkandoj. i pm you again my detail let me know you got it....im using the computer at work at the moment it wont allow me go to my E-mail...i will E-mail you tonight if it not in your inbox THANKS...