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Member Since 26 May 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 15 2008 06:47 PM

In Topic: 3zercrowd's ride! **Update 05 Aug 2014** (About time! LOL)

21 October 2007 - 01:44 AM

Beautiful car man :)

In Topic: My 1st Gen Evo

10 October 2007 - 01:58 PM

LOL!! That's the ones you have to worry about :lol: Crime in that department is pretty high! There are about 200,000 vehicles on the road here so alot of people are looking for parts etc (LOL) Still a cool place though :)

In Topic: My 1st Gen Evo

09 October 2007 - 12:14 PM

ROFL!!! Who needs them! The island is only 21 miles by 7 so if I get a flat, I won't be far from home :lol:

In Topic: My 1st Gen Evo

09 October 2007 - 12:44 AM

Thanks guys! :) If I wasn't in a rush and knew what color I was thinking on painting the car (if I decided to go with a color change) I would have painted the face of the box rather than use vinyl. Also, I may have fiberglassed the amps on each side of the trunk rather than where they sit now, but still something I can do if I really wanted. I think I'll let it be though and just finish it up :)

In Topic: My 1st Gen Evo

08 October 2007 - 08:55 PM

Here is a little more progress. Got the box bolted in the trunk, got the trim work done around the speaker box and the new amp rack in. Just have to make the new side panels for the trunk and a few other little things. Total time I spent on the trunk was about 2 working days. Still wish I didn't rush it because I would have done some things differently, but that's how it is with anything I do for myself. Time is always limited... :)

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