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Member Since 28 May 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 03 2017 11:43 PM

CHEAP Complete car stereo

28 June 2016 - 06:20 AM

Hey guys.  I'm cleaning out the house and found a complete car stereo.  There's a Pioneer head unit with remote, Phillips amp, Kicker 6.1 component speakers, Pioneer 6' speakers of some description and Stinger cabling for the whole lot.  The head unit is probably next to useless in this day and age, although the Kicker 6.1's are a quality bit of gear and were much sought after back in the day.  This used to create an amazing sound in my GSR.


$50 pick up Brisbane. PM here if interested.

RVR car cover

28 June 2016 - 06:00 AM

Hi guys.  If any South East QLD RVR owners are interested in a car cover for their RVR, please see my ad in the classifieds.  It was the best cover in terms of quality and fit I could find for the RVR when I had mine and I'd love it to go to a good home. 





Car cover to suit RVR

28 June 2016 - 05:57 AM

I have an Evolution 'small 4WD' car cover that fits the RVR perfectly.  It is weather proof although quite soft and does not mark the car.  I used it about 5 times to protect my RVR HSG between waxing it and events like cruises and my wedding.  I paid $140 when new.


Happy to trade it to a good home for any 6 pack of decent beer as I no longer have my RVR. 


If I have to put a price as per forum rules, $20.


Pick up Brisbane.  PM here if interested.

QLD PPQ plates

28 June 2016 - 05:41 AM



I have for sale QLD PPQ licence plates DOD91 (DODGY). 


I had these on my '91 GSR back when I had it.  They are in fantastic condition with no stone chips or scratches.




If there are no serious offers I will just mount them on the wall in my bar.


Located Brisbane.  PM here if interested.