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Member Since 30 May 2007
Offline Last Active Aug 21 2024 11:26 AM

In Topic: 5 stud conversion "wheel bearings" (GSR + 2x sets FTO front hubs)

23 September 2021 - 04:39 AM

I would say, you use the bearings that suit your rear trailing arm, if you currently are using Evo/GSR and are reusing those same trailing arms, then use whatever you have now?
Same for the front , I reckon.
The bearings need to match the knuckle/trailing arm.

Thanks for the feedback mate *thumbs up* 

I might just have to bite the bullet and order the Evo/GSR bearings and find out the hard way I guess. 

So many reposts on here bout knuckles, hubs, brake calipers, trailing arms but very little info on wheel bearings to suit this type specific conversion. I'll post an update of my findings...hopefully helps someone one day :)

In Topic: Evo 3 and 1.8 Lancer same carpet?

06 October 2020 - 12:31 AM

Knox Carpets are awesome. Last time I shipped some to UK it was approx $90AUD freight.