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Member Since 27 Jun 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 04 2021 08:54 PM

#316398 Evo 3 window surrounds matt or gloss black

Posted by WindeX on 22 April 2015 - 03:30 AM

Really? All the pics I've been able to dig up they are black, but that said it is the internet...

#167277 Early EVO tuning package

Posted by WindeX on 24 September 2009 - 03:04 AM

Yikes. Not sure, but it's gotta be easier (cheaper and faster) to find someone there to do the work. It's not too hard as long as they really know what they're doing. You'll want to make sure they don't do work like shown on this page:


And you'll want to make sure they can replace the caps too.

If you want, we can certainly do it. I would have to guess EMS service will run about 30 USD each way (!) and take 3-5 days easy way. We'll get it back out the same day we receive it.

Thomas Dorris
ECMTuning, Inc.

Thats excellent, I dont really have an issue with the time as I have a second car which I can use in the meantime.
Do you guys still do a basic pre-tune on the ECUs based on the parameters customers give you like you did with the DSM link?

#106475 EVO 123 Carbon Roof

Posted by WindeX on 02 June 2008 - 04:29 AM

Never get rust in your roof again!