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Member Since 29 Jun 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 09 2008 07:35 AM

Hyper 10 RC car 3*bodies $250

16 January 2008 - 11:52 AM

Hey everybody.

i am trying to sell my Hyper 10 RC car, i brought it in april just after i got my P's and now i need the money to buy a new engine for my car. :help:
it is an battery powered one that does about 30-35kmh drifting and 35-45 with nomal tyres is setup for drifts and also racing, I only every raced it once and have used it about another 6 time, it comes with 3 bodies, 1 WRX impreza painted, 1 integra painted, and a unpainted rx7. It also will come with a work stand, wheels, remote, spare battery and charger.
i brought it for $450 and spent another $150 ont it before i stopped using it still in great working order, the only thing i have done with it in the past 5 months is clean it

I only want $250 ono will except desent offers for it ( just enough to get a new engine)

will sent interstate at buyers expence
Can send you pics if your interested

PM me if your interested or want pics