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Member Since 12 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active Oct 04 2009 04:19 AM

In Topic: Forum member Dies.....7/8/09

04 October 2009 - 04:18 AM

This is Chris's little sister, Natalie. It has been a while since I have been on Chris's computer, hence me only replying now.

I was wondering if anything has been done about the donations? Thank you to all who have donated and have commented on this thread, my whole family are very grateful for all your thoughts and condolences.

It has been 8 weeks now since my big brother was killed, and it has gone so quickly. The boys got his car up and running for the funeral, and it escorted the hearse out to the crematorium on Chris's final journey along with a lot of motorbikes.

I have spoken to my family and Chris's mates about what to do with the donations, and we think Chris would have wanted the money to go towards his car. The boys have to make a new gearbox for it and are getting it painted, etc.

I will try check the forum more regularly to organise something and if the person in charge could reply to this I can give them my email address or something so it is easier to keep in touch.

Thank you again, and R.I.P Christopher Trent Bruggemann x

In Topic: FS: VR4 stuff, badges, & STUFF++++

22 July 2009 - 12:59 PM

don't happen to have two of the door stickers?

In Topic: Bazza's Get out of the Garage Sale!!...UPDATED

10 July 2009 - 12:56 PM

Keen on the rad cap, i have one of those justjap r32 replacement rads, think it will fit? :S

In Topic: Replacing vr4 timing side oil seals..

01 July 2009 - 02:42 PM

Thanks jonson, the belt has done less then 100km so i won't have to replace it, just seems they didnt do the seals at the same time :(

In Topic: What do we all do for a living?

21 May 2009 - 08:19 AM

Motorcycle mechanic. I agree with jonson i dont understand why all these people want to be mechanics, everything he said is true.