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Member Since 12 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active Oct 04 2009 04:19 AM

WTB vr4 gearbox

01 July 2009 - 03:32 PM

Wtb vr4 gearbox, as topic states. Must be good working condition :)


Replacing vr4 timing side oil seals..

28 June 2009 - 11:28 PM

Hey guys, i've read around the forum and others and can only find information on replacing the timing belt etc. What my concern is Can i use the special tool to compress the tensioner and then remove it, But leave the idle bearing locked in its correct position since all i'm replacing is the seals and the same belt and tensioner will be re used?

Bov's, Are they really needed?

15 October 2008 - 01:01 PM

Now i'm sure this has probably come in the past.. If so i apologize.

I am in the process of completing my fourth year as a motorcycle mechanic and as apart of my training I get to do the turbos and blowers training book. (most of my training books are car related anywho)

Now i have sort of always been a believer in the blow off valve but my trainer begs to differ with me, he sees no use for a bov other then 'wank factor'.

Now my understanding is that with an intercooler and piping and what not the compressed air has to be relieved somewhere when the throttleplate or butterfly is shut off. Ie blow off valve. But my trainer seems pretty confident that unless you are running 25+ psi boost then the wastegate is sufficient.

Now where i get confused is the fact that a wastegate regulates boost pressures by bleeding off exhaust gases past the turbine. Now I have looked at some diagrams in my training book but not done too much investigating into it, and one diagram i came across has the compressor housing with the hose fitting running into the wastegate actuator as normal. But it also shows a bleed to atmo type setup from the actuator. I cannot understand how an actuator can work if the diaphram has to hold pressure in order to work, but if my trainer is right can also bleed of boost when the butterfly is shut off?

Anyone shed any light? Sorry if i've blabbed on and could have mad things simpler.
