RVR Drag Times


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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
Perth, WA
Hey guys

Am hoping to take my HSGR to the drags this Wednesday and wondering what I should expect as well as what you guys have run.

My car just has exhaust, k&n filter and lower, slightly stiffer suspension.

If I manage to lay down a decent launch, what do you think I should expect/have as a goal? Used to run my S13 at the drags a fair bit but this car is completely different and I don't expect perfect reaction times etc. Any launch tips?

Also, what have you run with a similar set up car, and then again after mods?
Comparing my old car...

K&N Filter, Stock exhaust and good plugs... I ran an 18.2 Needless to say, I was in my N/A Auto. It was a slug.
Anything From 14 up is a good time, Depends on your control, gear changes, tyres and many other things. Best bet is to go, see how you do, and post your results!
My old HSG ran a 14.08, slipping clutch if launched above 4,000rpm.
Full street weight and baby seat. Stock suspension.
Only mods was 3" cat back exhaust, boost to 14psi.
Manual or Auto ??????

3" exhaust will give you aprroximately 0.5 sec.
removing your seats, spare tyre, tools, wing mirrors, 28 psi tyre pressure will give you another approx 0.5 sec.

Good luck and have fun.
Standard boost is 10 psi, with 3" exhaust it should boost to 14psi.

With weight reduction you should be looking at mid to high 13s.
Hey mate, can you put your location into your profile for us please...
Sorry to go off topic, but check my profile. Its been Central Qld since ive been a member. Im not sure why it doesnt show under the avator.

On topic...Manual
Standard boost is 10 psi, with 3" exhaust it should boost to 14psi.

With weight reduction you should be looking at mid to high 13s.

I don't know if I'll go whole hog and take out the rear seats.
Might remove the spare tyre but I'm happy to see what it does in the trim it normally rolls in.

(Clutz, if you meant me, I updated my location in my profile)