Rebuilding a vr4 cam angle sensor


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Oct 31, 2011

Did a bit of searching, not much info.

Just wondering if anyone's done this. Mine is leaking oil and it's not from the o-ring. I took an old buggered one apart to see what the story is and it's likely it's just the oil seal, which means the cas will have oil all through it. Car's got an erratic idle at times so i would like to eliminate the cas as the problem.

Was hoping someone may have the seal part number and the bearing part number?

Also the engine is from a 1990 HH galant (95% sure). Previous owner bought a halfcut for conversion and has a bad memory concerning which car it came from.

The number on the side of the buggered cas is T1T49074 with 0117

The number on the one working but leaking oil is T1T49071 with 9927

Both of these worked on the car at some point. If i fail on fixing the leaky cas i may need a new one. How interchangeable are these units? I've seen them sold on ebay but have been told i need the same number for it to work. Trying to avoid the dealership. If anyone knows a reputable place to buy a new or reconditioned cas please let me know.

Car runs a microtech ecu.

Cheers for any help.

I've replaced the bearing and seal, but it was ages ago. Sorry I can't help with the numbers.
Just clean it out and replace the oil seal see if that fixes it. I think there's a large o-ring to seal the steel plate cover as well.
Afaik, there are 2 types of cas. The vr4/gen1 style with a lead and the evo1-3/ gen2 style that has a plug on top.

I would think the rubber rings are pretty standard and commonly available.
I would think the bit that sits in the cam has a roll pin to retain it.
Please share your findings
While we're on this subject is there anyway to test these off the car?? i know the gen 2 one on the car works fine but i have a gen 1 thats been bouncing around the bottom drawer of my tool box for a while.
I've got the gen 1 style then with the lead and 4 pin plug. I managed to get the shaft out of the buggered one without taking out the roll pin. It took a bit of banging but it came out. This is the part i'm most worried about when re-installing.

I'm about to head out to cbc to see if they can match the seal and bearing. I'll let you know how i go.
Got the seal and bearing needed from CBC.

Seal number is TC12395 - $7.70

Bearing number is 6200LLU - $8.80

I think I have 1 gen 1 and 2 or 3 gen 3 cas's kicking around if people need one?

How much would you like for the gen 1 cas? The bearing looks like it's going to be a pain to get on the shaft. Would be good to have a spare in case i stuff it.
Isn't there, both an Aus spec (4 pin on top) and a Jap spec (4 pin lead) on gen 1 and the gen 2 (Evo) has a plastic back case. Pretty sure I've one possibly both gen 1 floating around.
I know I've got a vr4 plug Cas that also fits my Evo loom using same plug. But Cas looks a lot different. As above has different covers. Then I also have the cable Cas off a non turbo 2L galant. I'd say they are both gen 1. So you might be right that gen one had both cable and plug style. Then in gen2 they scrapped the cable
This is the style cas i'm going on about.

Here it is in bits. You can see the oil seal and bearing that can be replaced.

Shaft has a collar on it.

I should have measured this gap with a feeler gauge before i took it apart. You can see i didn't get the collar all the way in.

Oil seal and bearing

I scratched the disc taking off the center screw.

I would take a bit more care with one i would actually use. This one's wiring is buggered, probably when it was taken apart to paint. I'm going to give the one on my car a go now, see how that goes.