hi ii have a complete rvr engine located in Adelaide i bought to put im my gsr galant but it dosent have holes in the block 4 engine mounts still on pallet so am able to freight it looking 4 1000 or swap 4 vr4 engine 6 bolt
i have a complete rvr engine in Adelaide 4 1000 if interested was going to use in my gsr galant but cant use it coz missing bolt holes 4 galant mounts or would swap 4 a vr4 engine
oh ok i found this gsr galant with rvr engine useing vr4 gearbox with evo 5 flywheel dose anyone know wat they did 4 he mounts ?? this is the link http://www.performanceforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67176262 thanks
hi just wondering if anyone knows anything about fitting a rvr engine in to a gsr galant mostly on the front and rear engine mount i saw one in Adelaide awhile ago with the the conversion done but dont know where the bolts line up thanks