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  1. nate108

    4g64 starter

    I have one $50 pickup from Hornsby.
  2. nate108

    VR4 transfer case

    I have 1 ill get the part number when I get home tonight. Its in good condition. Pickup only near Hornsby. $80
  3. nate108

    fidanza flywheel friction plate

    I have one it was used for less than 5000kms before car was parted out after engine blew. $150. Pickup Hornsby or $190 posted. Pm for pics
  4. nate108

    fidanza flywheel friction plate

    I have one it was used for less than 5000kms before car was parted out after engine blew. $150. Pickup Hornsby or $190 posted. Pm for pics
  5. nate108


    still looking for a stock air box and filter if anyone knows someone!! thanks :)
  6. nate108

    DEFECTED NSW - what do I do?

    ok doesnt sound too bad just a bit of a dent in the wallet that i didnt need right now. thanks for all the help. ill let u guys know how i go. sucks all the bullshit they put you through they just want you to buy a new car fuel the economy and conform just remember life without passion is...
  7. nate108


    have moved the conversation here: with details on what happened etc appreciate any help and advice cheers guys
  8. nate108

    DEFECTED NSW - what do I do?

    my 91 aspec galant VR4 was defected by highway patrol not sure what to do here so asking for some advice. basically the cop wasn't entirely clear on what he was defecting me on (possibly because he had no idea) in the engine bay he pointed to the intercooler pipe behind the radiator and he...
  9. nate108


    im in NSW 2077 ill send u a PM. will start a new thread in general car chat for some advice etc on what to do.
  10. nate108


    got defected today - happy fucking easter!!!! need asap VR4 stock air box and filter VR4 muffler - twin tip
  11. nate108


    guys the site is now back online!! :) tony says it was just a url domain issue all sorted back and running please use it more so it never leaves!!!!
  12. nate108


    hey guys the web site is back please use it some more so it doesnt leave again!!! great resource for vr4 owners and lovers!!! :)
  13. nate108


    ill help chip in im sure others will as well. the info on that site helped me out so many times with my vr4. be a shame to see it all gone forever.
  14. nate108


    bring it back!!! has so much info on that site for VR4 owners. WTF is going on!!!
  15. nate108

    palm logger went flat - need help with MMCD reflash

    thanks guys got it sorted called into meek and he helped me out.
  16. nate108

    E39A VR4 Parts -VIC S.E Suburbs

    i need the long rubber plastic strip piece that holds the head linning board in. its above the rear seats, black strip above your head where the interior roof finishes. sorry for being vague but its obvious when u see it. posted to nsw 2077
  17. nate108

    Am I pushing it?

    there was a fitment guide on it had a huge list of wheel and tire combos that would fit a vr4 but the site has vanished :<
  18. nate108

    palm logger went flat - need help with MMCD reflash

    clutz how do i go from SD card to the palm - do i use the craddle?
  19. nate108

    palm logger went flat - need help with MMCD reflash

    old but usefull!! i have everything to load it from windows xp because i was using a palm craddle which connected to my old PC i have the software just no way to get it to my palm logger using the macbook pro i now have. clutz how do i get it from an SD card to the logger? can you buy an...
  20. nate108

    palm logger went flat - need help with MMCD reflash

    can someone in sydney help me out i let the batteries go flat in my palm logger i need it re flashed with MMCD i used to do it of my old computer that ran windows xp - but it died and now i have no way to reload MMCD on my palm logger. little help please!! also where did www