wheres galantvr4.org.au


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LOL George!

Shame that it's gone... a lot of good info on there. Does anyone know if the content can be merged with this forum?

Does anyone know who was running it? tonydav wasn't it? If someone wants to chip in I will put some cash towards getting it back up and running or merge the tech sections with 4GT
CLuTZ said:
LOL George!

Shame that it's gone... a lot of good info on there. Does anyone know if the content can be merged with this forum?

Does anyone know who was running it? tonydav wasn't it? If someone wants to chip in I will put some cash towards getting it back up and running or merge the tech sections with 4GT
ill help chip in im sure others will as well.

the info on that site helped me out so many times with my vr4. be a shame to see it all gone forever.
It really is a pity. There is so much info around, but getting everyone together to put it all in one place is immense. Then for the years of collecting info its a tragedy for it to be gone at the press of a button.

Think of this forum. In another 10 years when there is 1/10 of the current cars and enthusiasts left and the last moderator buys a $5k evo9, and noone is posting, where will the info go? Maybe it just becomes irrelevant? Hmmm, I hope there is a evo forum that will take it all up.
Man, I'd really like to get it back up, if only to get as much info as I can back off it. A **** ton of things on there that I still refer back to, only reason I've been dormant is because of ongoing issues and trying to get the gvr4 back on the road. if there's any way to get it back up or get a snapshot of it or something, I'm keen to pitch in. the stuff on there is invaluable to a VR4/4g63 owner!
guys the site is now back online!! :)


tony says it was just a url domain issue all sorted back and running

please use it more so it never leaves!!!!
Yes i know its back online, ive received over 30 PMs saying same thing lol

"You have received a new private message from "tonydav" to your account on
"Galant VR4 Australia" with the following subject:

Galantvr4.org.au board back online"