1G TPS Settings


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If you had the TPS at 0% then the butterfly would be completely closed which would not allow any air to enter the engine. In other words it wouldn't run.
You should see 10.5% without touching the throttle and approx 99.6% when at full throttle.
oh ok cos when i was at work today i had the scan tool on a lancer glxi and at idle i noticed tps was reading 0% and as soon as i gave it more throttle the tps angle raised itself

but it still doesnt make sence because the butterfly should be completely shut at idle becuase why doo you think theres the idle stepper motor that makes the airflow flow from just before the butterfly to after the butterfly too let the car idle soo the ecu can send the stepper motor signals too flow soo much air please correct me if im wrong ill have a look later at all the throttlebodys in my shed too confirm
i had a look at a throttle body of a cb gsr which is the same as a galant and most of the gsrs except for they are different size opening

bassically by putting 10.5% into a data logger that it would no longer use the idle stepper motor which would cause a bad idle becasue the butterfly is shut but its being told that is open at 10.5% soo it would be confusing the idle stepper motor if you look at the butterfly there is a sensor that tells the ECU that the butterfly is completely shutand too start using the idle stepper motor too keep the engine running
Well obviously mine must idle horribly as it is set at 10.5%, funnily enough it doesn't.
As you can see from below the correct setting for the tps equals 10.5% on the logger. That may or may not actually be 10.5% at the throttle body though. When I adjusted mine correctly to 10.5% the throttle shaft did not seem to move at all. No point in arguing this anymore. Grab a logger and set it to 10.5% and done.
The manual specs .45-.55 volts, which is 9 to 11% of 5 volts.
Here is a quote from another site.
On a 1G you adjust the TPS until it outputs about 0.5v on pin 2 (spec is 0.48 to 0.52v)at idle. That's the same as reading 10% on a datalogger.

so on throttle closed, pin 2 should be reading 0.5v.

does it matter whether its 2g or 1g?

anyone have a data logger i can borrow just to check it? :)

my car is going to chris's to get the cams dialled and i just want to make sure that the TPS is reading

cblancergsr said:
it doesnt matter if its 1g or 2g

and it yes it should be reading 0.5v

i know which i have a datalogger

Hey dude, I can make you a cable. That's all it is you need to do really, all of the work has been done in the MMCD software. Just buy a compatible device from the list on this page - http://mmcdlogger.sourceforge.net/

These things are so awesome, I just got mine. You can transfer the MMCD program through the IR port and you're done!
I got a Palm Vx for $70 shipped (thanks brisvr4 :)).
I really want a colour screen one though.
Maybe I'll sell you mine if you're interested.... ;)

I'll do you a deal, I'll make you a cable, in return you can do the hard work and scavenge 5 or so connectors for me from Galant GSR's at the wreckers!
Lol, I've become so lazy. :p
is it compatible with a 4g61n/a ecu

yer of course i can scavenge a few connectors the wreckers at blacksoil has a gsr i think soo i can certainly doo so for you ill give you a call sometime and ill try too head too the wreckers this weekend