30 dollar boost controller????


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dude it just looks like a T piece, a bolt and nut, and a few hose connections. its proly just got a spring and a flap on the inside and the bolt and nut puts pressure on the spring....... you could buy all that from bunnings....... looks like a "pos" to me......
i am using one on my car.

For a Cheep boost Controller it seems to hold boost steady very well.
Obviously a Electronic boost controller is better but for the price they are quite good i think.
JayRome said:
dude it just looks like a T piece, a bolt and nut, and a few hose connections. its proly just got a spring and a flap on the inside and the bolt and nut puts pressure on the spring....... you could buy all that from bunnings....... looks like a "pos" to me......

Yes thats all it is.
Tpeice with a ball baring & spring inside it.
and yes you prob could go to bunnings by the parts & make one.
but at the same time i dont see much point in driving down ther buying the parts for say $20 then spending half hr putting it together with the chance of doing it wrong. when u can buy it for $30.

But yeh its just a cheep t peice type controller but it does work quite well for what it is. ive been using it for months now with no probs at all.
i only really got it for a temp item untill i get a elec boost controller
well yer sounds bout right, but not every thing in this world is every ones cuppa tea, its cheap so who really cares, test it out if you hate it turn it into somthing else..... or throw it at someone which ever.........
I got one of these as well.....

Definitely not a 'pos'. The design is actually from vfaq i think. The pic i got with the kit looks like a straight copy of the schematic in vfaq.

Works quite well. Better than a bleeder ... not as good as electronic but for 30 bucks WHO CARES!.

i think i might give one a go! for 30 bucks... who cares if it really works or not? :lol:
...but it seams like the SAU boys have nothing but praise for them.
TurboXS make similar things but aren't they somewhere around the $170 mark?
I've got one of these as well. It works great, holds the wastegate shut much longer than a bleed valve and then hold boost all the way to red line. I just get a small spike of about 1psi then its stable after that.
have been running one of these for about a year without a problem.

there are 2 things to note :
there is about a 1 psi spike (not bad for a mbc)
adjustment is very sensitive when trying to dial in the right boost. VERY small adjustments are needed only.

great for $30
i'm just wondering...
there's an inlet and an outlet on this valve...
one hose goes from the wastegate actuator to the valve, then where does the hose go that comes out of it?
my bleed valve currently just had a hose coming from the wastegate actuator and nothing else. :?

2 Hose connectors.
it goes inline on the wastegate actuator line. cut the hose and simply put it inline. it has to go a cartain way around (1in - the other out) but it Comes With instructions with a little picture so very simple to put in :)

and as said above very sensitive to ajust. each quarter of a turn was giving me about 1psi extra from memory so be carefull.
that makes sense! at the moment i have a t-piece in the actuator line that branches off to the bleed valve
I baught one out of curiosity, their a great little unit, no boost leak, creep or anything. Very good once you get it set into place, makes spooling faster as well.

Can't replace an electronic boost controller but for stock setup it's great.