So I went to the track on Friday night with some mates and couldn't just watch, i had to get into it even though the car had problems...
Basically it was like the car was "missing" when on boost, it did it a few weeks ago on the dyno, and i hadnt really looked into it I had just been driving it like off boost all the time... I just assumed it was the head gasket as its leaking a little, Anyways only did the one pass which was pretty disappointing...
2.5 60ft
It was breaking down pretty bad in 3rd and 4th, felt ******* terrible. so i just did the one full throttle run..
On the way home i was giving it to the car and thought to my self how that "miss" feels so much like the soft cut rev limit, then it dawned on me, i must be hitting boost cut that i forgot was left on (Motec uses the soft cut rev limit as boost cut)
so turned the laptop on and sure enough it was hitting boost cut as soon as it came on boost.. so from 4k - 7k it was just fighting against the soft cut rev limit, and there goes my powerband
So if i wasnt lazy and looked at the laptop when i was at the track or any time in the last 3 weeks. i might have been able to do a decent run...
So **** time, but good mph as the car is a **** load faster without having the whole power band on "soft cut" rev limit.. lol
So yeah hoping to go back pretty and get 115mph - 120mph full weight (stereo 18s etc) on the 20psi its at now, and then ill crank the boost up and try for more..