Cheers Khubner, ill have a look at them and get a rough idea of costs etc
BYBY5L, while at the end of the day, yes i know i wont be taken for a ride by my dads mate, he also isnt the best man for the job - as he takes on a lot of different roles from being a tuner/dyno, to general mechanics, to a custom fabrication place - a jack of all trades, and while i respect the work he can do, theres no question that a dedicated fabrication shop/person whos been doing in exclusively for many years (for instance like classics and chrome) the quality would be much better (not arguing with quality of my guy, just not the best that can be done)
I guess it just comes down to the classic quality vs quantity, and pending the rough prices i get back from classics and chrome, i think ill opt for the quality, if not ill go with my guy
(ugh trying to defend my dads mate while arguing against him lmfao)