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Another one bites the dust... :(

EVOCOUPE.NET seems to be the new home for the ex-Proton GTi Forum members these days so we're still going pretty good. We've got a nice bunch of guys and close-knit community happening :) T4G is still going strong too :)
Got sick of the frikken n00b **** posted. Just became an afterschool club. When it gets to the point when you can't be bothered visiting your own forum its time to axe it. Its done its dash, didn't become what I hoped it would, I consider it an epic failure.

Don't have the time for 99% of forums these days either, expect to see me here even less than I am already - Handing 4G61NZ over to someone else aswell.
GSRWRC said:
Got sick of the frikken n00b **** posted. Just became an afterschool club. When it gets to the point when you can't be bothered visiting your own forum its time to axe it...
:w00t: I know I shouldnt laugh but sometimes I can relate to that. There will always be noobs and stupid questions asked as we all have to learn from somewhere. If the forum relied on you too much to keep it afloat and answer questions then I can see why someone would pull the pin.

A forum relies on members to be proactive and productive and help eachother out. As members technical experience and knowledge grows they are encouraged to help noobs out as a lot of the elder members have been there and done that and probably have written the same thing so many times that they lose interest in answering questions and losing patience easier than what they were used to. Actually it seems the older you get the less time you have to spend on forums too I think lol :lol: You aint alone mate and when you feel like you're starting to go that way hand the reigns over to somebody else you trust who you consider would look after it from where you left off. Have a break... and then get back in at a later date if you want to. :thumbsup:
Its because theres not many out there who stick with the 93t to be able to keep a forum active.
and those that do arent too keen on sharing what they know, and what they're doing with their cars