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For sure - at the moment we're just waiting to hear back from Rob with some pricing and numbers. We don't want to jump the gun.

As far as other products go, if any members work at a sticker printers/vinyl cutters, let me know. I want to get some high quality 4gtuner stickers made up too - maybe do some package deals with the t-shirts. I'd prefer to support a site sponsor/member rather than just give money to a different business.

Some of the quotes I've had already are ridiculous though - seems as though most printers/vinyl cutters want 250 stickers minimum. By the time we do a windscreen, 1/4 window and a different size we're talking 750 stickers! Maybe we need a project car plastered in stickers... :lol:
tshirt with the sponsors on the side of the arm and the mistubishu logo on the bottom FTW i will take 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 black and 2 white

Yep yet again a better design, i still like the sponsors down the sleeves but the mitsi diamond angled on the bottom of the shirt is sweet... Ill take 4 or 5 :D
The Mitsubishi logo could be a bit more discreet I think. Perhaps next to the 4gtuner logo on the front.
But I guess it depends on the look that you are going for.
I think the simple design with the sponsors on the sleeves is a winner and you run the risk of going backwards if there is too much clutter like a ton of Logo's! One is enough I'd think B)
personally I like the plain look, nothing on the sleeves, nothing on the front, just 4gtuner.com etc the back.
Yeah you're right, probably does look a bit 'too much' and cluttered if it were like this...

What about putting a small diamond next to the 4gtuner logo on the front Rob? And delete the 3 at the bottom. That would have it on the shirt and still look clean.
Fellas, many forums have had legal issues when using manufacturers' logos so I'd prefer to keep them out.
I like clutter lol and i like that design, i doubt there would be any legal issues but then again the big corporates have a tendency to be very protective!
I guess a vote on a few design would be most appropriate?

I like clutter lol and i like that design, i doubt there would be any legal issues but then again the big corporates have a tendency to be very protective!
I guess a vote on a few design would be most appropriate?


I know for a fact that one Mitsubishi forum in the past has been told by Mitsubishi to remove their logo.

But essentially we are waiting on Rob first for some ball park pricing that will then allow us to make a poll. It's early in the new year - the poor guy is probably trying to relax. :lol:
Boys, please don't get your hopes up about the Mitsubishi logos..
Hey Jase, could somebody not contact Mitsubishi and check with them what their standpoint is on the use of their logo's? You won't be selling it as a Mitsubishi product, but rather as a 4G tuner product. I mean it is free advertising!