94 RVR SSG Tranny


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Active Member
Jul 2, 2013
whattup all
havent posted in a long time so thought id put up a post in regards to my inquiry
my auto is ****** and on its way out, also leaks like a loose slappa on her rags
anyone know where i can get an auto from for cheap? or know where i can get a rebuild from on the cheap?
freshly rebuilt motor with a ported head and running TD05 20G, not gonna do crazy work to it in the future as its the daily, just want an auto then give a tune so it doesnt guzzle as much as it has been.
jack of all said:
You wont break it with a td05.

Full pressure shifts and end clutches maybe.
Read up on them on the usa sites (1g auto) they run mid 12s and better with just blue wire mod
Yea I have read a bit about the mystical 'blue wire mod' and to be honest, just looking at the diagrams scares the **** out of me haha I wouldn't attempt to do this myself :(
It would be an awesome mod though!
I was planning to use the auto box in my shed in mine as another option other than the $1150 bill for a rebuilt twin plate HKS, but I'll wait and see what happens.

The torque converter has a nice paint job of metallic blue, so it might be one from IPT if I'm lucky, I won't know till I take the chance and put it in.
Thanks Jack. The blue wire mod looks interesting. I'll have a look into it when I have some more time. I might be able to help you with it as well Mike.
Like you I'm worried about what the HSG auto trans will handle so I'm sticking with the TD04 for now. Although Aldo said they weren't glass boxes.
That is the HSG box anyway, OP is talking about SSG which is different I'm told. Best bet is to speak to Aldo.

EDIT: Mike check this out - http://www.roadsurge.com/viewproduct.php?id=1
Tip-tronic like shifting would be pretty cool!
I've asked the guy to email me when he has finished making them. I also asked if there was a way to prevent the full pressure downshifts by interrupting the trigger with a DPST downshift button + relay. Not sure if that'd work but hopefully he'll know or figure it out :p haha
He seems to welcome suggestions.

*end of hijack
The turbo awd box is the good one. I dunno difference between hsg/ssg.
That was my thoughts too. If you want a 4th gear shredding (500hp+) stroker and a big turbo, a manual is going to cost you big bucks with a aftermarket gearset and a expensive clutch to drive it, and can be a bit of a diet of driveshafts too. And transfercases...
A auto will run 10s on a std transfer. torque converters save driveline shock.
The biggest issue is the ratios. Getting through the gate at the top of 3rd or the top of 4th presents issues.
A auto will generally be quicker over the 1/4 as well as the 60' times are faster. But lower mph as auto burns more power.
The smaller turbo really suits the std torque converter. And n2o is needed for spooling the big roller turbos..
Or compound turbo setup
I've grabbed a forced four shift box for mine. And a Sparco 2 button steering wheel setup to shift with.
The hyper box is stronger than the super as well.
According to Kiggly with the upgrades my box should be plenty strong enough for whatever I want to throw at it.
I've set mind up with a Kiggly 5 disc front clutch, ipt end clutches, welded centre diff and a Translab shift kit.
I'll also be using nitrous to help stall on the stock convertor for now.
Fitting most of the upgraded parts is pretty easy if you can follow instructions :)

If you do run the auto as a drag box with decent power it's advisable to pull the centre to check for stress cracks every 20 passes or so.
I'm thinkng of building a isotropic polisher to stress relieve the gears as well.
There are some threads on grounding a wire with a resistor and putting a toggle switch to switch between full line pressure and normal auto, one mentions a trigger switch on the accelerator pedal so full line press. comes on only

at WOT. Keen to look at the switch box setup http://www.forcedfour.com/shiftboxbasic.htm

Found this on DSM tuners

Go under the hood, and look on top of the transmission for a plug that has an orange, blue, yellow, and red set of wires in it. Cut the blue wire in half, take the harness side of the wire, and solder on a 10 watt, 10 ohm resistor, and then ground the other end of the resistor. Now you have full pressure, but like 97eclipseboy said, it sucks for everyday.

Here's the link, it's a bit down the page. http://www.dsmtuners.com/forums/automatic-tranny/357432-blue-wire-mod.html
who is aldo?
Aldo is not online ATM net is out but he let me know his has other things on and cannot do it and to apologize for not being contactable.
If you only want a rebuild to standard better to hit up someone local :)
Thanks Peter, Just got my net going before the date they gave me.
JPTRIPLEOG I don't reco std auto boxes. Someone in Vic can do a std reco. I'm not a sponsor in here btw.
If it's a daily RVR without big psi, your std tcu will keep it running ok.
I only build autos for street/strip for members that are going to try & kill it.
Sean, hahaha if it's got tits or tyres it's gonna cost ya = Not wrong LOL
VR4, GSR, HSG & SSG turbo auto boxes are all the same internaly.
The N/A RVR SG awd auto is the weak one.
Many people talking about the blue wire resistance. What this does is makes the pressure control
solenoid valve bleed off pressure for LESS time = slightly quicker shifts at milder tps position.
It makes no difference at wot because the tcu makes the shift as firm as pos at wot. Any quicker
engagement between gears = less fluid heat, less clutch wear & less ecu timing drop between gears!
The RVR tcu eprom is programed to bleed off a Lot of pressure for 2nd gear to prevent the band breaking.
That creates heat & any RVR auto owner knows that the change into 2nd is Very slowwww.
A resistor on the blue wire will improve an RVR auto during cruising gear changes.
Brisvr4 has bought some internal parts from the US & I wish him good luck!