Ok, I'll start from the top. My wheel bearings were squealing hardcore, so I order some genuine bearings and a seal kit, and while im at it genuine ball joints, tie rod ends and rack boots aswell as rebuilding the lh driveshaft.
Take off the hubs, split em, go to press the bearings and works press died. So I had to pay some company to fit my bearings :evil: get the hubs back the next day only to realise that they had left off the speed sensor rings :evil: :x :shock:
They insist that I didn't give them the rings which i KNOW 100% I did so they will not do anything for me. I'm not about to waste almost $150 worth of bearings to put the rings back in as I'm not really fussed with ABS anyhow.
SO my question to you knowledgeable people is What have you's done to remove ABS? just pull the fuse to stop the light coming on? (if so where the FU*K is the fuse...I can't read Japanese) Also, I don't want to do anything that will stop me putting ABS back into it if/when I sell it.
And yes I searched....and came up with squat, looked for 25 minutes. I think this search function needs calibrating or something....
Take off the hubs, split em, go to press the bearings and works press died. So I had to pay some company to fit my bearings :evil: get the hubs back the next day only to realise that they had left off the speed sensor rings :evil: :x :shock:
They insist that I didn't give them the rings which i KNOW 100% I did so they will not do anything for me. I'm not about to waste almost $150 worth of bearings to put the rings back in as I'm not really fussed with ABS anyhow.
SO my question to you knowledgeable people is What have you's done to remove ABS? just pull the fuse to stop the light coming on? (if so where the FU*K is the fuse...I can't read Japanese) Also, I don't want to do anything that will stop me putting ABS back into it if/when I sell it.
And yes I searched....and came up with squat, looked for 25 minutes. I think this search function needs calibrating or something....