am I unreasonable?


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what would you do?

  • get other person to clean up mess?

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • wake up other party and get them to clean the piss after you have cleaned up the ****

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • clean it all yourself

    Votes: 2 18.2%

  • Total voters


master of none
Jan 5, 2011
perth sor. 20 mins from brians place
We have a family dog. She is 15yo and pretty deaf and blind. She stinks so bad I put a glove on before I pat her. She had been a great dog, but is getting forgetful. She has ****/pissed inside on maybe 6 occasions. Once even in the kitty tray!
I believe she should stay outside but other family members believe she should be inside. She has always been a outside dog but has been inside at nights for last couple of years. She licks and chews her fur at night and this adds to her smell and wakes me up.
So, 2 nights ago she pissed under computer desk. I put her outside and chucked some papertowels down and got the person who insists she stays inside to clean it up. Today I reminded person to clean it up and met with resistance. .. I suggested we leave dog outside, get kitty tray or wake up at night to let dog out for toilet at 3am.
This morning, at 3am. I am again woken by the dog coughing fur balls and wandering around. I get up and I can smell dog ****. So let dog out, and then investigate. There is dog diarrhea under computer desk and piss over power cables and power boards. It stinks a lot..

What would be reasonable behavior in this case?
All us guys have 2 perfectly good hands that don't require notice or foreplay, so that should take some equity out of the above statement LOL

Regarding the dog/excrement rocket, what about putting her in the laundry or a toilet at night with a newspaper lined floor? Or make a decent sized kennel near the back door outside.

Not sure if the outside thing is a possibility, but if she has a nice place to be at night the other family members might not be so against it, also, it needs to be a shared responsibility. If she has difficult care requirements it really should be discussed.

It's obviously getting to be at a stage that it is impacting on your family life, and as such deserves an amicable outcome for all involved

My 2c.
Wait until it starts happing to your folks......

Dog needs to see out his days in dignity, same as owners don't want to see out the last of doggies days as it being a complete PITA. Take a bit of time and build a home for him outside and make sure he's comfortable. Take a beer outside everyday while you hose the **** off the paver's.

Much easier when it happens to your parents, most people just chuck them in a nursing home and forget about them.
Well after alot of thought and so on I chose number 2.

I guess there is no correct answer, and we get to live with the choices we make.
But it is a poll, so have your vote

But the dog has a lovely kennel and comfy cushion to lie on. And a entire back yard to defecate in, with a selection of lawn types to wipe ass on.

Yea george, I know a lot of us will end up with parents (or inlaws) like this.
it maybe time to consider putting the dog down. blind and deaf doesn't usually mean a good quality of life.....further to that bowel control is considered to show onset of the dog loosing its marbles.

I found one of my dogs dead in the backyard after we had persevered with the old girl. reality was we didn't want to see her go as it would have upset us....selfish. I felt bad for quite a while about how she died.

when our other dog developed a tumour on his leg....we waited til it started to cause him a little discomfort at the advice of the vet....about six months. when that time came we were ready to end his suffering. I didn't like it ....but knew it was the right thing to do ...and he died with us there.

talk to your wife about it ......and clean the mess together as you have both enjoyed the pooch together
Voted number 2.

It's a family dog and you look after it and clean up after it as a family IMO.

IMO - If she's blind and deaf but still eating and shitting and pissing (obviously she's still shitting and pissing!) and wagging her tail then just keep her warm and loved and wait for the time to come when she can't get up and **** and piss and wag her tail then make the final call.
Jack I know you love your dogbut some time soon you will have to make a hard decision on what is best for your 4 legged mate.

A few years ago I had to have my Jess who went to work everyday from 6 mths to almost 15 years and guarded my tools in the truck and knew what smoko,lunch and knock off meant The boys would give her treats but if she was in the truck they could not go and get anything off it .I used to do a 6,12 &20 k run after work and she would be so excited when she saw me putting on my runners and stretching. I held her as she was given the sleepy needle till she stopped breathing then went outside and bawled my eyes out.She was my mate and she is missed.
sometimes making a hard decision on the dog's behalf is maybe what the dog might want if only it could say so itself.
We put our staffy down (sniff) at 13 when she couldn't eat anymore but after the fact, putting ourselves in her paws, decided that was too late. (more sniff)
It's the hardest part of being a loving and responsible pet owner - knowing when to put their needs before our own and making the hard call. I always question myself about whether I waited too long or not long enough to make the call, but at that exact time of making the call I always had what was best for my 4 legged mate in mind.
Not unreasonable at all.
Whomever the person is that is insisting the dog stay inside has to clean it up.
You cant afford to be putting yourselves at risk of bacteria and infection by having an unhygienic dog in the house - its unsanitary!!!
The dog is sick, so set up a nice place for it outside that has a hard floor that you can hose down easily to clean up the crap.
If the person still insists to keep the dog indoors, then put your foot down and say that you wont clean it up anymore.

IMO dogs shouldn't even be allowed to live indoors unless they are healthy, well looked after and washed daily.
You ever been to someone's house that has dogs or cats living inside the house? They smell.
Owners cant recognise the odour because they live with it on a day to day basis and are therefore immune to the fact that their house smells of pets.
But bring in an outsider and they can tell immediately. Most of the time they don't say anything out of courtesy or they don't want to embarrass you.
If people want to keep dogs and cats inside its their decision... its their house... and they have to clean up after them.

If you were the vindictive sadistic type, you could always have a heavy night out drinking then piss and **** all over the bathroom floor.
Then in the morning ask the other person to clean it up because you have a hangover and feel sick. you think that might get your point across? lol
Holly ****! If I pissed and **** on the floor to make a point, she'd clean it up alright...... using my ******* face!!! roflmao!!
jack of all said:
I believe she should stay outside but other family members believe she should be inside.

Today I reminded person to clean it up and met with resistance.

What would be reasonable behavior in this case?
Burn family. Grown new one with old families ashes as fertilizer. Be head of the house, not the *******, use the story of the time you burnt your old family for not listening to you to put the fear of god into your children.