ALERT: VIC residents beware!!


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that sounds dodge P3akin.. The guy that came past my place was by himself. had the badge, even had a big warm jacket with company insignia on it..
p3akin said:
yesterday had a big indian guy and a small indian girl come and offer the same.

just nicely said no thanks. they werent toooo persistent, so it was ok...

big indian guy had a bandana on.. looked pretty dodgy..

mine was 2 indian guys srawny guys tho but no badge or jacket...
we had one come past and yeh a REALLY persistant indian guy
we actually already had light saver globes throughout the house and told him that and he insisted that we check all the rooms and make sure they are all the right ones.
unfortunatley and its kinda worrying me but there were 2 rooms without them and he changed em....:(
me and my old man just assumed they got paid a commission for the how many they changed or something like that which is why he was so pushy to change some

i think i might let my siberian husky sleep inside whilst we are out for a lil while

but luckily the house is very rarely unattended at all and we have a few too many cars so theres always 2 sitting in the driveway

i'll keep my fingers crossed that nothing happens
Just a reminder that these people may be legit and work for the company by day... but its a good way to gain free entry into your home legitimately to scope out what they can come back and get later. Dont let complete strangers into your homes boys.